A valuable link …

… re climate change, arctic ice loss and ice thinning.

Arctic sea ice’s dramatic transformation revealed through 42 years of satellite data – ABC News

You have to realise thinning can occur from underside as well as from the top. The former I’m guessing will be the downfall of the Antarctic ice shelves as they are levered away from the parent body, its a different set-up down south so to speak.

The action is in the Arctic as we read in the above, the highest and lowest extremes in Siberia at one same location has now set new records and sat imagery shows the depletion and the near non-existance of multi-year ice. You can add my tears to the ever increasing sea level.

Arctic News (arctic-news.blogspot.com) is also a valuable read. Locations such as the shallow Laptev Sea are forever burnt into my mind. I’ve a £1k wager with friend Gary who is a little sceptical of the severity of my forecast that if we have not reached 3deg C or above by end of 2026 then I will hand him £1k cash, no quibble. I don’t want it to be so but we must all realise the severity of what is happening with multiple feedback loops, all self and mutually reinforcing to greater and higher levels, its a lethal chemistry set we should never have set in motion, as if all the ingredients are present and its one big joke to see how we exploit, extract and set in motion the inevitable. If only we could have lived as in a Biblical simplicity.

There are so many factors and components and values feeding into the active equation that is planetary science, remember our space on this spinning ball of eight inches diameter scales at one thousandth of an inch ie 0.001in equivilant to a cigarette paper licked and placed on a childs eight inch toy ball.

There is nothing we do re carbon emission that will take any effect inside of a decade, the latest scares and truths in fact are many, loss of the aerosol masking effect, arctic methane, loss of high altitude cloud cover, and my own pet hobby horse of (near never reported) of the loss of the oceanic plankton particularly diatoms, quite ironic as it is ancient diatoms that form the basis for 70% of the worlds oil and gas supplies.

Arch clown, otherwise now realised to be a ‘stand-up president’ as in comedian namely trump should be tried at The Hague for his four year climate denial, this is a crime against humanity, four valuable years lost.

What would help is a universal one child policy, a move from the American burger culture, to live close to work and abandon your car in whatever form it takes petrol or electric, none of them are particularly green. Everything starts and rests with the individual, I deliberately have hand washed my laundry for the last couple of years, its no problem to me as luckily I have a clean job, here in north east England works fine, a quick wring and the washing line does the rest, none of the endless tumbling and spinning of the electrical machine.

Theres approx five hundred posts on this paid for blog, please explore.

copyright climate-change-briefing 2021

Freshwater mussel die off.

Blimey, this is worrying. I wonder also how the common earthworm is faring, without it we are snookered. Likewise plankton and remember marine diatoms are utterly essential. I hate to be a doomster but when things ‘get into gear’ re species loss it will all happen frighteningly fast ie a few years. Likewise in my opinion ice loss is being dreadfully under forecast, it seems to my mind laughable when we hear on serious news programmes “Greenland ice could all be gone by the end of the century”, even as a kid I can tell you ice goes a lot quicker than thought credible. More like ten years than eighty, just my guess that’s all.

I wonder if this freshwater mussel die-off is tied into aluminium levels from chemtrail, I also wonder at the diatom and algal populations in the river under question, the Clinch River. These last few days theres been plenty to see on NASA Worldview; but first, mussel die off links ….




For Greenland ice melt … https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/09/greenland-ice-getting-denser-thats-bad/

For Antarctic ice melt … https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/10/how-antarctic-melting-above-below-ice-sheet/







Methane and climate change – the basics.

arctic-news-blogspot.com in my opinion is the ‘touchstone’ for up to date climate change info. http://arctic-news.blogspot.com/

Here is a previous post from Sam Carana that explains the methane conundrum / problem / emergency…  http://methane-hydrates.blogspot.com/2013/04/methane-hydrates.html

I can read a text based post much quicker and is a more satisfying and efficient experience than listening to a fifteen minute recap of what I could read in a text format much quicker.  Paul?

It is all irreversible, is by its own nature of interconnected climate change feedback loops irreversible. Who would have thought warming ‘dirt’ would be so dangerous!

Note also the demise of diatoms, a particular keen interest if mine; the gas DMS a product of diatoms and algae is fundamental to ocean cloud formation. We think ourselves so slick and clever but our lifestyles are anathema to this planet.


Flying alongside a chemtrail …

V interesting youtube, here we fly alongside a chemtrail and it is blindingly obvious the thing does not diminish or disappear as would a bona-fide common or garden contrail ie conventional accepted result of jets flying.

The chemtrail hangs there undiminished with its burden of aluminium, barium, strontium etc. In time it will haze wider, providing a duller sky often where it is not wanted and altering the sky to a man-made one.

It is ‘free-borne’ aluminium that increases wildfires, most likely contributes to bee decline / dementia (essential pollinators)  …  increases autism in children and destroys life in lakes and rivers and in my opinion is the death of diatoms, something never seen by the naked eye but are where we obtain 70% of the worlds oil and gas reserves! Likewise coral reef diatom/ bryozoan symbiosis has been pummelled. The latter scientists seem silent about, as also with the catastrophic Pacific seabird die-offs of three and four years ago. Tens of thousands bizarrely flying toward land all with empty stomachs.  Excessive caution coupled with two and three year peer review is not helping this situation, likewise trumps dismantling of the EPA and gagging any knowledgable scientist from speaking out loud is quite despicable and in fact quite evil.

If trump is not actually trying to play God aided and abetted by his sordid backers and cohorts then he is most certainly an assailant of God and Nature.

My friends the diatoms …

Anyone that knows me knows my interest, fascination and utter respect for diatoms.

Consuming their oil and gas (which provide us with 70% of the worlds reserves) has led to our decline and theirs also. The irony is profound, yet no-one has ever seen a diatom without a microscope. Once seen never forgotten, but a topic badly taught at schools, at our place a small north country Secondary School circa 1969-74 the science teacher had us mostly playing hangman, i think his youth club admin had him otherwise enthralled.

Its my feeling that diatoms are on the wane, that diatoms are not adequetely reported and news of diatoms re scientific workers is woefully behing the curve (downward).

We haven’t got time for peer review and endless conferences overseas … get the bloody findings out into the public domain, we have not the time for surety.

I’m also sick and tired of hearing the lazy term ‘coral bleaching’ when I presume its the absence of diatoms that provide the symbiotic relatonship with Bryozoans ie coral builders and subsequent inhabitants.






Seabird populations …

Its difficult to get up-to-date information on this, i am also ‘stuck for time’; three and four years ago there was massive Pacific seabird collapse and likewise with oceanic diatom collapse whenever I ask online questions I never get a reply.

Lets start with …







Chemtrails UK

These last few days ….

Why are there trails that morph quickly to overall haze when it should be clear?

Why is it change, churn and turmoil, why not a steady state in the sky?

And days indicated as high pressure ruined with chemtrail haze. Its like that this morning, rapid changes, people tell me that rain is forecast (which I do not trust to happen …[but did]…) and now at 10am after clear at 7, dark at 9, its now wanting to be clear again. Light chemtrails all morning and the last few days also light chemtrail deposition. One could say this last week its little and often so as not to alarm the natives

Last few days have been only ‘light’ chemtrail effects but i think it was Saturday afternoon later on when the overall grey sky cleared and bingo above out of sight were the dreaded trails. Wednesday, a distinct trail 0600, half an hour later overall haze and light number of trails thereafter, as discussed prev we need a reporting system as per the old time radio communications RST  code ie 5-9 etc maybe I’ll invent it. Theres too many lone voices, but maybe thats a good thing – to reach our conclusions independantly rather that feeding off one another and mutually reinforcing. Objectivity must be the order of the day!

Beware of media / tv treatment of this, its bundled up with all sorts of nonsense so as to ridicule people like me.

Pics below are from 18th July – 27th July north east UK. Nothing spectacular as earlier this year, but still nefarious and needing to be understood. Likewise now its 10.30 and I can hear jets high above but hidden by the manufactured cloud and wonder if they too are laying more chemtrail?



Bottom left, note how the trail is interrupted or turned on and off.

Apart from the clever hatchet job from tv regarding these things, most people would  say its just jet trails. But why do they persist, can morph un-naturally quick, haze and quickly drift to form overall haze when it WAS a bright clear day. Theres the planes, theres the buggered day!! And why particular pockets of time when it seems so easy to see them ie an hour or two at breakfast, an hour or two at teatime. Remember, the massive aluminium levels where this has been happening for decades ie California and the horrible levels of autism in boys and no caddis in the streams and hence no trout to fish for and raging wildfire feeding on nano-particle aluminium fallen to the earth. I also have a feeling the chemtrail aluminium is affecting diatoms and algae, microscopic and utterly essential and fundamantal for most life on Earth. Diatoms don’t matter I hear …. thats where 70% of the worlds oil and gas is derived from ie ancient geological deposits. Its also the only material on this planet that allowed the Challenger and Shuttle to re-enter this atmosphere unfrazzled. A fascinating subject – diatoms. Its also thought aluminium from chemtrails is a major factor in bee decline, they develop Alzheimers.

Please see my previous posts on chemtrails, the photos prove theres something ‘going on’.

Look at my diary page started Aug 4th 2018, I’ll build up a few days material as diary entries. https://climate-change-briefing.com/2018/08/04/uk-chemtrails-diary/

My friends the diatoms.

I started looking at diatoms in around 1992, absolutely fascinating as they slowly moved themselves around on the surface of the glass microscope slide. Show anyone a goog image search for diatoms and they will be fascinated. They are anywhere that at some time is a wet surface, puddles, among moss on moors, stones in streams, all over the seas and oceans. Diatoms are near the base of the food chain and utterly essential, they cannot be done without and likewise the larger more sophisticated phytoplankton feed on them, all of them are part of the CO2 conversion apparatus.

Seventy percent of the worlds oil and gas is derived from ancient diatomaceous oil trapped / contained beneath the earth and silica is used literally as the base (wafer) for doping and etching to make intergrated circuits and modern day electronics.

This recent article tells us things look bad for diatoms:-

“Most of these studies, however, have been conducted under high-iron conditions. Our study uncovers a widespread cellular mechanism that suggests high CO2 might be particularly problematic for phytoplankton growth in low-iron regions of the ocean.”

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-03-key-biological-mechanism-disrupted-ocean.html#jCp


I quote  … In the largest of these regions, the Southern Ocean, concentrations of available iron are below one trillionth of a gram per liter, approaching the limit supporting life.

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-03-key-biological-mechanism-disrupted-ocean.html#jCp

 … unquote.

quote … The team then initiated a study to investigate the evolutionary relationships of transferrin and phytotransferrin. To their surprise, the proteins were functional analogs whose ancient origins extend to the pre-Cambrian period of Earth history, predating the appearance of modern plants and animals.

“The appearance of phytotransferrin some 700 million years ago is consistent with a time in Earth’s history marked by massive changes in ocean chemistry, and this ancient evolutionary history helps explain why no one has connected ISIP2A and transferrin,” said Miroslav Oborník, a molecular evolutionary biologist from the University of South Bohemia and co-author on the paper.


As in some gruesome joke we are just finding out about things as we are losing them. So, half our CO2 to O worldwide is from phytoplankton that now looks much stressed and likewise plant and tree CO2 conversion is modifying itself, shutting down as it were in reaction to the increased CO2 that they live among as per a previous post of mine with associated loss of planet cooling transpiration and protein as nutrient in leaves and pollen. Natural growing things, weather systems, the mechanisms of nature all look as if pre-programmed to dislike the present situation. Also bees and insects according to some are a tenth or nil of former populations and one cannot help but continue the line of the graph to the bottom. No bees observed in my garden this year to take all the pollen of my spring flowering bulbs, I noticed this decline quite easily three or four years ago. Today I shall have to pollinate all the crocus so that seed will be viable, I want to continue the spread of them here in my garden. Likewise not the former blue skies I expect of winter and spring, often ruined by non-fading chem trails and the quick-forming dreaded haze. It could be aluminium particles from weather modification ie the haze on clear blue (high pressure) mornings are to blame for the bee extinction, organic growers are struggling with much reduced yields and increasing disease which they think from the ally-rain. Even in my own garden a strange die-off on Hypericum, also rose leaf problems that are not the usual. The protein from green plants and pollen is merely two thirds of what it was.  There are so many declines that soon blog posts like mine will need to incorporate long lists of bullet points!
Meanwhile Scott Pruitt at the American EPA and trump have banned mention of ‘climate change’ dismissing or moving scientists and plagued us all with the nonsense of ‘fake news’ to further combat any reality leaking into their world …
Even the UK Daily Mail eight years ago is sounding an alert at ocean plankton loss, note the stunning image …. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1298596/Massive-40-decline-oceans-phytoplankton-puts-entire-food-chain-threat.html