Global warming.

This is indeed something the IPCC (ie a worldwide ‘formal’ association and so-called working group of bods pertinent to governments, policy, forecasting and climate change) which in reality lags way behind in vision and of forecasting the dreaded consequences of global warming.

So many crashes and disasters seem so under-reported and under-recognised, for instance to name just a few topics …. the Arctic, jet stream, diatoms, algae, plankton, marine food chain, loss of seabirds, loss of salmon, loss of bees, flying insects, decreasing soil health and microbial activity, methane, importance of ocean algae for DMS and oceanic weather systems, even the decline of the beloved wasp!

In my own garden and at a nature reserve I have visited near daily for decades I’m sure theres less bees and flying insects, hoverflies, Vanessids etc. At the rear of this house two out of three birdboxes have been taken over by bees these last couple of years, my ‘unusual’ garden providing lots of flowering plants and shrubs for them, all intentional. Say March to July I’m actually not in the further reaches of my back garden as I want nesting birds and fledglings to feel undisturbed, apart of course from the dreaded hawk that even last night whizzed past my head and I think had caused problems for the blackbirds, a single adult blackbird clucking the alarm call for more than twenty minutes, I’m guessing as much distress as warning to others. I even a few years ago witnessed a queen fly her flightless workers into the birdbox one by one, carried ‘piggy-back’ from the shrubbery and vegetation at the far edge of the lawn, a sight I’ll never forget. She must have brought them in by stages, grouped for the final hurdle into the birdbox. So that is no problem, I’ll stick another couple of birdboxes up soon, made by me of thicker heavier section wood than anything one can usually buy.

The IPCC seems slow and stagnant on everything. From my viewpoint as merely an interested layman I don’t think there is anything that the IPCC is not woefully slow or blind to at present nor cognisant of the fast happening realtime changes, Governmental deficiencies and their consequences. For instance its near impossible to find mention online of the diatom/ bryozoan symbiosis that constitutes a living coral reef, all we ever hear is ‘coral whitening’ but no practical explanations for the ‘mechanics’ for this to occur, why the bryozoans have perished. To my mind the great IPCC sticking point and the professionals that comprise its panels and working groups is the spectre of potentially losing ‘funding’ for speaking out or being avoided and shut out by colleagues. From what I’ve read the IPCC also seems unable to realise the importance of the interconnectedness of feedback loops, Sam Carana mentions this regularly. An example, increased CO2 triggers plants to reduce conversion of CO2 to O …. and their pollen becomes less nuitritional / of value to bees and insects and I think I’m right in saying there is a decrease in nuitritional of green plant food material to humans and animals as a food source. Happy days!

At least some of our best brains do their best to get ahead on the subject …. Arctic News: Heatwaves and the danger of the Arctic Ocean heating up (

This is from the above link, if this doesn’t grab attention and motivate then nothing will.

Heres a vid below I’m adding a day later, my heart goes out to all the people and animals and whatever that are stuck with these horribly high temperatures. With the attendant drought we wonder if west coast living might become a thing of the past. We can assume as summer rolls on wildfire will set new records, setting more ash and soot onto the surface of arctic ice and melting it even quicker, the big time bomb (of many) in my mind will be when we lose most of the ice as presently visible by satellite, ice extent is still quite considerable but it is thickness that is rapidly decreasing, ie multi-year ice is fast diminishing.

These temperatures are actually beyond what humans can survive, the phenomena ‘wet bulb temperature’ I first read on Sam Caranas an invaluable information source and my ‘go to’ for anything climate change. Arctic News: It could be unbearably hot in many places within a few years time (

The vid, a news report …. Western US in grips of hottest, driest summer in 1000 years? | DW News – YouTube

Heres the wiki explaining wet bulb temperature and its dangers …. Wet-bulb temperature – Wikipedia

postscript, this is a worthwhile read ….. Climate-Change Summary – Nature Bats Last (

IPCC and the refusal to acknowledge the importance of impending methane release.

IPCC is wrong.

Just now I heard on bbc r4 ‘Inside Science’ an interview with Phil Williamson  from Univ East Anglia ie   … concerning the latest report from the IPCC in which impending methane release is given very low priority. This is utterly baffling, quite erroneous and I think the placative ‘one metre by the end of the century’ to be shameful in its misleading nature.

There will not be any  ‘end of century’ to witness I am afraid.

Most of what was said I disagreed with from Phil Williamson, for instance stating that coral reefs could re-generate in fifteen years is utter nonsense, yet again no mention of the bryozoan / diatom symbiosis. Diatoms factor into so many perspectives of what we are going through. I may be wrong, merely an interested layman here. However to quote myself …

Diatoms also live a symbiotic relationship with Bryozoans ie the coloured animals that create and live in coral reefs. It is a dire irony that consuming the oil and gas of ancient diatoms ie comprising 70% of the oil and gas industry has led to both their own and our demise. No-one has ever seen a diatom with the naked eye.
diatoms – climate-change-briefing

I would have thought last years IPCC Annual Report in which low importance was given to impending methane release (ie thawing permafrost cap releasing already formed methane gas, rapidly rising microbial activity and thawing methane calthrates; both from land and from the horribly shallow East Siberian ice shelf )  would have now been aligned with enlightened thinking but no, its been swept under the carpet yet again by the IPCC and its select band of contributors. In addition Phils endeavour to constantly massage downward the numbers to 1.5 from 2.0 degrees warming is taking things too far, as dangerous as any over-exaggeration, in my opinion from what I read of other scientists 2 deg C will soon come and go, to be overshot rapidly.

Why is it Prof Peter Wadhams was not interviewed, he knows ice, a lifetimes work.

Its the nature of nature to ramp and accelerate as outside influences ie mans fossil fuel greed and polluting activities come home to roost. ‘Ye reap as ye shall sow’ seems appropriate.

Sorry to get Biblical but maybe its an ‘endtimes prompt’ because after all as time trundles on what else shall we cling to, occupy our time?



Work in progress, more info on IPCC obfuscation as info is obtained, merely the opinion of an interested layman.

A few hours later and bbc r4 again broadcasts the radio programme ‘Inside Science’ from five hours previously. Never before have I been so glad of a quick repeat. I feel sorry for Phil Williamson, I can hear in his voice the tension between what the IPCC expects and his own self worth and integrity; he invites others to reach their own conclusions, this I applaud. This also highlights the IPCC to focus on published papers where in fact change is happening SO FAST that published and peer reviewed papers have a self defeating time lag that we now need to circumvent, a view I’ve held since I first latched on to climate change a couple of years ago. Therefore the best we can be sure of is to listen to the likes of Peter Wadhams and for instance Jason Box and Natalia Shakhova.

From the above I quote …

The event, held a fortnight ago, is still causing controversy beyond the negative tweeting by NASA Goddard Director, Dr Gavin Schmidt. Schmidt aimed his presentation at discrediting the Russian’s work, using theoretical models, without expertise in methane, or credible data. The end result is that the Russian team have composed a letter to Royal Society President, Sir Paul Nurse, asking for an opportunity to present their findings, including contributions from over 30 scientists working in the region for over 20 years.

end of quote.


How the Arctic climate drama runs its course

And …


The ‘main man’ Sam Carana reports on the limp kow-towing IPCC Report and informs us that the IPCC doesn’t even add in methane from the submerged East Siberian ice-shelf ie what will be a quick warming and vast release of methane from less than 50m of underwater thaw; this beggars belief.




UK Guardian newspaper on climate change …

Maybe they got it wrong, 30-40C I think should read F for Farenheit. This is why fifteen years ago I gave up reading the Grauniad and FT at weekends, cos sometimes they are just plain wrong; I used to see this in relation to design, gardening and such matters. Why should I waste my time reading contrived tripe from a junior. Remember, a lot of editorial / articles are there to fill the gaps between the ads or promote some pundit, personality or viewpoint.

At least I hope they got it wrong, at the moment I read Arctic warming as say 10-15deg Centigrade. And remember open sea will now absorb more heat than reflective ice, increased turbulence enhancing the effect of warming the subsea permafrost, also ice now has particles of smoke and a black algal or mold growth that also increases melt rate.

* from Paul Beckwith the first vid below confirms Arctic as of Feb 2018 is plus 30 C

All the same, the Grauniad is telling us (I need to corroborate this from elsewhere) that in Feb they now do not dip below freezing in the Arctic during the night, which really is all we need to know. This is catastrophic …. you’ve got ten years, don’t expect more. Yet still there is climate change denial! Why are ppl so dumbed down?

As Paul Beckwith tells us and many others now likewise the Jet Stream is much altered and has split and loops over the Arctic, again a disastrous development; bringing warm air and moisture to where it should not be.  Ocean plankton is not converting CO2 as it did, the Pacific is inedible, food chains are dieing completely. From the median upcurve last year was a dip, so it looks this year 2018 will be the worst ever for fires, sky darkening, reduced crop yield, increased methane release ie geological, thawing hydrates and microbial. And on top of that we have idiots spraying the skies with chem trails that destroy ozone and yes third day running here its another chem trail day.

We read that the Greenland ice sheet will take 500 years to go, I think that is BS … no more than fifty and probably less; we can call it the Swiss Cheese effect.  I’m an engineer and am used to looking at things and working intuitively. Rivers of surface meltwater are running fiercely underground and it will soon all melt, likewise in the south the Antarctic where unseen undercutting of the vast ice massif itself will shock us all when it starts folding into the sea bigtime. Its reckoned its at least a global 60m sea level rise.  IPCC models are useless, no account of methane and a childlike incorporation of large scale carbon capture that has yet to be invented. You have now entered a crazy Orwellian world, where trump and Scott Pruitt ban the term climate change and global warming is demoted to a trivial tweet.  Imagine, trump could build another wall, say around his beloved NY and every other coastal city. Thats why he is so blindly hellbent on getting the wall with Mexico to keep out frantic mass migration and to hand back massive amounts of tax to the already filthy rich, he knows fine well the future is dire with climate change and hence so adamantly will not acknowledge as such. Hitler and Goebbels will be looking up from their special place in hell and thinking ‘Thats my boy’ !

Luckily there are photographs of frozen places and glaciers from a century ago, these illustrate the amount of ice loss. A lot of scientific data only goes back to say the 1970’s or the 50’s.

A spelling mistake on I think CNBC an hour ago … ‘oars are quarried’ !!  …. So I sent an email. Makes you wonder if 50% of journalism is just trash. Ores we know are metallic elements and I reckon most are mined. Gives a false impression to the young! Also ‘opencast’ is nearer than quarried if its above surface extraction.

Yesterday Friday was a full day of climate control ie chem trails here in NE England and looking at the brown hue to some phoney clouds I wonder if they’ve been spraying overnight?? Looks like trails a hour or two old merging into haze, not many so far today. We need websites to be logged in to and data to be collected. And a formalised reporting system or screen report card ie number of trails, time when first noticed, weather before trails or at start of observation, duration, effects and the receiving expert can fill in weather fronts and barometric data.

Who would have thought climate, weather systems are so finely balanced, so sensitive and so interconnected! And all have existed for far longer before some squatting proto hominid banged two rocks together somewhere in Africa or Asia. In the next few years people will turn to religion of whatever form, Christ, Buddha, Allah, their ancestors, shamanism, Dao, Tao, nature or hedonism and we’ll see more Bible quotes thats for sure  …’As ye sow ye shall reap’ I think is the expression, quite apt actually considering Monsanto wants everyone to adopt their disease and drought resisitant GM crops which will actually be all that you can grow for the ‘lucky’ ten percent that persist.

Note at 09:40 Pauls shows the latest data as plus 30C for the Arctic as of right now.

Youtube often only provides a layer or slice of what is available, successive sessions over days often yields new material as with below.


Here below is another unexpected find and immensely worthwhile too, Paul R Erlich; I have his book ‘The Machinery of Nature’ and finding this vid pushes me to get more of his books.

Remember:- a rise of 2 or 3C sounds nothing but it is the trigger for a whole cascade of weather and natural world re-jigs, all interconnected and all now set into self re-inforcing feedback loops. Our refrigerator the Arctic has gone, circulation ie Jet Stream is on walkabout and has split into two loops over the Arctic, natural CO2 conversion failing ie from plankton; western lifestyle, sewage, water, electricity, petroleum availability all highly vulnerable as Paul outlines.  No wonder trump wants to and is ramping up the Military.

The present aim of Continuous Economic Growth is not sustainable, I personally do not think human kind can be changed, the better off in this world will not relinquish their advantaged lifestyles. We will ‘go down’ consuming.


Please realise though 2C sounds nothing it has triggered along with higher CO2 levels our weather systems to go into a self increasing feedback mode from a previous ‘steady state’ and this planets lifeforms to be severely thrust into turmoil. Polar bears will soon only exist as memory, can you see any bees in summer? We are losing Arctic and Antarctic ice, at the North Pole it is stupidly over-heated and now exists only as water, ie this is now and is plain fact. Constant chem trail activity hinders solar power, destroys ozone, hinders food production. Please … BE AWARE !!!

Note I’m quoting from the last link above  … More than 100 previous studies have shown that elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide decrease the nutritional value of plants, such as wheat and rice. unquote.